Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow day....

Today I need to start working on my liberated amish...a good day for it too since we have 8 inches of very wet snow.....

I wanted to post a couple of photos of Amish quilts in my collection. I was just wondering does anyone know if patterns like the one above was done first by the Amish (thisis the pattern Tonya is working on) or if the Amish picked up patterns and interpreted them into their colorways.

(I bought the above quilt in Pennsylvania in the early 90's. The HST are only 1 inch across and the peach colored fabric has a sateen feel.)

Off to plug in the sewing machine (and reset all the clocks after our blackout last night!)


Tonya Ricucci said...

This is Amish? I'd have guessed Mennonite... I've actually detoured away from the Ocean Waves and might even get a photo posted soon.

YankeeQuilter said...

doubt this quilt with all its calicos is Amish! I just wondered who did the Ocean waves first - Amish or other quilters....